Noble Garden Tours LLC 

PO Box 73, Highlands NJ 07732


Telephone: (1) 908-512-0600

This privacy policy sets out how Noble Garden Tours uses and protects any information that you give when you use this website.

Noble Garden Tours is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We will not sell, distribute or lease your information to third parties unless with expressed consent by you or if required by law.

In order to ensure the security of your personal information, we have put in place an online shopping function with reputable agents including Squarespace, Paypal and Shopify with safeguards to prevent unauthorised access. 

Email addresses are collected from those that are opted-in to our email. These emails are used to inform and promote tour products and services.

We may collect information relevant to guest comments, surveys, competitions or surveys. This information is used to improve and promote tour services and products.

From time to time we may contact you by email for market research purposes. This information will be used to improve products and services and where relevant, to customise the website.

If you believe that any information we have of yours requires updating or deleting, please contact us as soon as possible for correction.

From time to time we may change the policy by updating this page. Please occasionally check this page to make sure you're still happy with any changes. This policy is effective from August 2017.